Book, visual identity, website
Spector Books, Leipzig / Produzieren GbR, Berlin
Double Bound Economies
Book: 21 × 29.7 cm ● 448 pp ● 1000 copies ● ISBN 9783940064462 ● Published by Spector Books ● Edited by Doreen Mende, Armin Linke, Estelle Blaschke ● Printed in Germany by DZA Druckerei ● Exhibition curated by Doreen Mende, Armin Linke, Estelle Blaschke ● Website development by Stefan Frank ● Archive database development: Luigi Corte Rappis and Nicholas Deleo The project departs from a photographic archive produced in the German Democratic Republic. The archive consists of 250,000 pictures taken by freelance photographer Reinhard Mende, who was commissioned by GDR Kombinate to document East German industrial operations. For the exhibition “Double Bound Economies”, artists, theorists, scholars, and former participants were invited to explore and work with the archive. The project deals with several matters, from design and photography to economical trade and socialist production. The design of the catalogue reflects the layered process by always presenting the source alongside its interpretation: On all the left pages is featured the comprehensive index of Reinhard Mende’s archive, on all the right pages is presented the content of the catalogue, the essays and the artistic contributions.